Friday, July 31, 2009

...from Ali Williams, Counselor Cabin #2

This week has been a scorcher, but we've found creative ways to keep cool. My favorite way was having a firetruck come and spray from its hose so that the water rained down on the campers! And I've really seen God move in amazing, unexpected ways these past few days!

For example, this week I have a camper named Kayla who is really sweet. She told me that she had been saved when she was younger, but she didn't remember when and she didn't seem to really grasp what being saved meant.

Last night at dinner with the cabin, Kayla asked me, totally out of the blue, about heaven and whether animals go there or not. That started a very long, winding discussion about heaven, God, Jesus and salvation. A lot of the girls jumped in with more questions and a lot of good answers, and I was so amazed at how much they knew and believed about God. As dinner ended, Kayla and I kept talking...then we went to chapel.

Pastor Doug, the speaker this week, closed chapel with a call for anyone who wanted to talk to their counselor about salvation or living for God. Kayla looked up at me and very cutely said, "Do I have to do it at chapel?" I told her that we could talk afterwards if she wanted, so while the other girls got ready for bed, Kayla and I talked about how she wanted to make her salvation real; she wanted to make sure that it "meant something." She prayed to God, and it was one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen or heard.

Praise the Lord for what He has done in the hearts of campers this week and this summer!

Ali Williams
Counselor - Cabin #2

Thursday, July 30, 2009

what makes a camp counselor smile?

Welcome back!

It was another HOT day today...not quite like yesterday, but we still kept the kids drinking from the water fountain, filling their water bottles and lathering up with sunscreen!

Today was the Camper Carnival - so we attempted to have as many "water events" as we possibly could! The campers all got tickets that enabled them to visit each booth at least one time. From my vantage point - it appeared that all were having a great time.

We ate lunch outside and then headed back to the cabins for an extra long R&R ... much to the counselor's excitement! Our counselors are working the hot sun...trying to keep campers spirits high and energy levels up. They all spend 23 hours a day with 9 - 12 campers...sometimes even through the night they are working tirelessly for the goal of glorifying the Lord Jesus through their actions and attitude. If you are a parent of a camper here this week and would like to thank your child's camp counselor in a tangible up on Saturday with a note of thanks, words of encouragement or maybe even a Starbucks! I'm sure that the pleasure of seeing their face would be impressed on your heart for many days to come!

Campers enjoyed yet another "pool mail call" and many had to walk the plank! We even had a "pirate counselor" that encouraged the campers to ... walk the plank! I am impressed at the amount of packages that come through Camp Gilead. We even had a huge "Camp Cookie" delivered yesterday from Mrs. Field's Cookies! It was one of the coolest things I've ever seen! There is just nothing like it. These hot summer days were MADE for camp. And these campers are living it up here. Thank you for the privilege of serving your kids. We look forward to another day with them tomorrow!

See you tomorrow around the campfire, here at Victory Circle.

Kimberly Mallory
Camp Gilead Program Director

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

the pool is cool...

Wow! What a day it has been today!

I think I personally put my swimsuit on at least 5 times today! :)

Here's a little peek into how we managed to stay cool throughout the day here at Gilead while the thermometer hit record breaking temperatures!

We started off the morning after chapel with mail call at the pool. Campers and counselors sat around the edge of the pool with their feet dangling in the water while names were read and mail was passed out. When all the mail was distributed, we had just enough time to have campers jump into the pool just before it was lunch time! The campers cooled their bodies just enough to be refreshed.

If you've ever been to Gilead on hot summer days you know that one of the worst places when it's hot is the dining hall. So - campers and counselors ate their meal outside in the shade. It was hot outside ... but much cooler than the sweatbox ... also known as the dining hall.

After lunch, and R&R, campers went to their afternoon activities - which included at least one hour of swimming. Then came the Eastside Fire Department with their ladder truck and water truck. Campers were blasted (some literally!) with a steady stream of water for about 15 minutes! Campers LOVED IT! They screamed and hollered as the water flowed...creating a rainbow as the sun hit the stream. See pictures at

Following afternoon activities and dinner (again...outside!) we took the campers back down to the pool for the Wheel of Misfortune where they could spin "Walk the Plank (diving board)" or "Staff in Pool." After all the campers had spun that received packages, we again had the campers cool their bodies before chapel by jumping in the pool. No one seemed to mind getting into the pool...again.

All afternoon the announcements on the PA system could be heard..."Remember to drink lots of water!" Counselors took their campers past the water fountain to fill up their Camp Gilead water bottles...keeping them hydrated and happy...and going to the restroom!

It's been a GOOD day...we are so thankful for the sun! We are blessed to live in such a beautiful area. We are learning a ton about God's creation - and his most unique creation...US!

Thanks for stopping in again today at the victory circle! Until next time...

Kimberly Mallory
Camp Gilead Program Director

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

fire...and water!

Welcome back to the campfire...although sitting around a fire in this heat is not a place I'd like to be for very long...!

But it is good to hang out with you this morning!

So - we said good bye to our "older campers" that we've had for the last few weeks - junior high and high school...and welcomed our youngest campers of the summer.

Yesterday morning 165 little 3rd - 5th graders as well as 40 day campers descended on Camp Gilead and so did the HEAT!

The theme of the day was "hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!" Every chance we could take them past the water fountain ... we did ... and as a result...visited the bathroom many times as well! :)

In chapel this week we welcome Pastor Doug Johnston from Redmond WA. He always comes to Gilead with a variety of tricks up his sleeve...and last nights chapel involved FIRE! Yes - he "blew something up!" Jack and the Gilead Fire Dept were on hand for any potential roaming sparks - but in the end - everything was left intact and campers were still awake at the end of chapel! That's always a plus!

More heat to come today we've heard...pray for our campers as they endure God's blessing of the sun! We will be doing our best to keep them cool, hydrated and well as keep their hearts tender towards the Lord and protected from the world's impact.

See you next at the Victory Circle!

Kimberly Mallory
Camp Gilead Program Director

Friday, July 24, 2009

sights & sounds from the Friday night fire...

Heard at tonight's campfire...

"Wednesday night I rededicated my life to Jesus"

"I want to go back to school and tell my friends about my faith"

"I don't want to be ashamed of my Christianity"

"I got saved on Wednesday night"

"I met a friend here at camp that is going to help keep me accountable"

"I want to tell my family about Jesus"

The flickering fire, the camper's testimonies, the glow of lightsticks, the sounds of voices and guitars ... it is a truly awesome experience. This experience we at Gilead call the Victory Circle.

All glory goes to our Heavenly Father for all of His mighty works.


Kimberly Mallory
Camp Gilead Program Director

Thursday, July 23, 2009

from tyler pagel...counselor cabin 15

Our God is so awesome! I am reminded of that on a daily basis and yesterday God really continued to show how powerful and mighty He is.

I was able to do several 1 on 1's yesterday and connected with two of my campers. I learned more about their home life and more importantly that they were not born again believers, and those campers weren't ready to make a decision to give their life for Christ.

Shortly after that, I was able to pray with Craig Haskins about those campers and just give the situation to God and ask him to have His will be done. I was in prayer the rest of the day.

Later that night (last night), in chapel, I could feel the Lord working as soon as we started singing. My kids seemed very attentive and open to the message that Pastor Dennis Smith was sharing. At the end of the message Pastor Dennis shut off the lights and demonstrated God's awesome power when He spoke and light was created. He then challenged the campers to realize and accept Christ as their personal Savior. I knew God was about to do His work!

After the challenge from Pastor Dennis, I had FOUR guys come out!!! But I knew it wasn't over yet. I prayed and asked God to give me the words to say and that I could lead my campers to Him. I took three aside and sent another camper with another staff member, Craig.

I led them through the Romans Road of Salvation and told them if they believed in their hearts that Jesus died on the cross and rose again, that they will be saved and can be 100% confident that they will be in heaven for eternity. All three boys were very excited to start living the way God's Word tells us to.

I give all the praise and glory to God for what He did in those boy's lives last night and for reminding me once again, how awesome He truly is!

Tyler Pagel
Counselor - Cabin 15

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

...the call...

It happens almost weekly here at Gilead. Sometimes it almost becomes routine. But it is ANYTHING BUT routine.

It is the call of God in someone's life.

And we witnessed it tonight in chapel.

Our speaker - Dennis Smith - brought us through Creation and through history and the relevance of Jesus coming in the flesh. He then shared with campers that this Jesus wants to have a relationship with us so that we can glorify Him and live eternally in us a hope and a future.

As I speak, campers and counselors are huddled together...speaking quietly. Some are crying, some are not speaking. Some are talking a mile a minute. All have experienced a call of some sort ... a tugging on their heart. A tug so strong that they were able to stand up, walk through their row of their friends and cabin mates, down the aisle of the chapel and to the back of our chapel where they waited as their counselor followed them.

It is a humbling thing to witness God moving and directing in hearts and lives - changing them forever.

Tonight, Counselor Melissa Edwards shared how she rededicated her life to Jesus while at Camp Gilead as a young girl.

Tonight - the stories of many young girls and boys lives are being written and changed forever.

To God be the glory! Great things HE has done!

Kimberly Mallory
Program Director

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

from Josh Mallory ... Full Time Staff...Maintenance

Camp Gilead is an amazing place. I have been serving here at Gilead for 10 years, working as maintenance, and still am amazed by what God does here in the campers lives, the staffs lives, and my life. I would think by now I would kinda know it all and know what to expect. But the Lord still is teaching me more about Him. I could have never had dreamt to be doing such a great work for the Kingdom of God.

I didn’t grow up going to church camp or even Church. A staffer asked me if I had an idea if this is what I wanted to do for a career. I told him that I didn’t have a plan for “any” career or college.
I came to the Lord at 22. It truly is amazing to see how God brought me to Camp Gilead. I think almost daily and wonder why God has allowed me to be here. I do not deserve such a great job and life. I was so young in the faith to be jumping into full time ministry. But God really made Proverbs 3:5, 6 come alive to me and still does. To trust in the Lord with all my heart and not lean on my own understanding, and to acknowledge Him in all my ways and He will direct my paths. God has allowed me to serve here today and who knows what could happen tomorrow.
There is a plaque inside the chapel with a picture of the founder of Camp Gilead. His name is Forest Johnson, and on this plaque is a verse that is from 1 Corinthians 15:31, and it says, Be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your work is not in vain in Christ Jesus. Wow, what an encouraging verse for anyone who serves Jesus. I saw that verse on the plaque about 5 years ago and it has been such a great reminder for what I do here. Some work that I do may never be seen, and I don’t think a nicely mown lawn or a toilet that doesn’t leak will bring anyone to Christ. But the work that is done for Christ will not be in vain.
Any job that we are doing, whether it is tedious, repetitive, or just the same old thing, if we can just remember who we are doing it for, that work will glorify Christ.

Whatever you eat, drink or “whatever you do, do all to the Glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31
Josh Mallory

Sunday, July 19, 2009

high school camp high...or is it lack of sleep?

You know that feeling you get when you are running on empty...with only a few hours of sleep in your "energy bank?" Sometimes you feel euphorically excited...full of energy and enthusiasm. But sit down for a few minutes (like Sunday at church!) and suddenly your eyelids come crashing down as you fight to listen and/or pay attention to whatever it is you are doing.

Sometimes you feel totally depleted ... unable to even talk. That is what is like after a week of high school camp - for camper and staff.

It might have something to do with...

A late night testimony time around the victory circle - hearing about campers sharing what God has done in their life during a week of camp

An even later night (try 2:30 AM!) of staff skits and game shows - called Friday Night Live

The intensity and emotion of watching a DVD called "How Great Is Our God by Louie Giglio" then going to Solo Time - to process the magnitude and glory of the vastness of our Creator.

Sitting with a camper on the hillside by the chapel as he pours out his heart to you about being a Christian during the week and not just on Sundays.

Walking down the river late at night, looking at the stars and being part of Creation and experiencing the majesty of our Creator.

The intensity of playing games at night...late.

A week of emotions, excitement, entertainment, encouragement, eating, and enjoying fellowship with other Christians.

Each camper went home hearing the gospel - though some chose not to accept Christ as their Savior, the seed was planted. Each camper was challenged to walk closely with the One who "breathed stars!"

Kimberly Mallory
Camp Gilead Program Director

Thursday, July 16, 2009

hot summer days...

oh the days of summer camp...

Today was an amazing Washington Summer Day at Camp Gilead!

Early this morning I woke up to a clear blue sky - looking out at the pond as an Osprey sat perched in a high branch waiting for it's morning meal.

Not too long after I woke up ... the fog arrived ... the promise of hotter weather later.

By morning chapel time it was warm and during camper was just plain hot!

The afternoons activities brought even hotter weather ... tubing and swimming were a popular event as well as the Slip N Slide later in the afternoon.

Campers, counselors sitting in the shade - talking, laughing ... building relationships.

Tonight we'll be taking an all camp the pool...and a night swim will follow.

All of these things contribute to high energy and excitement as we enter chapel where God's Word is spoken and taught. This is why we do camp.

Kimberly Mallory
Camp Gilead Program Director

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

an experience with our Matt Larrabee, Program Staff

The crackle and pop of the camp fire fades away to the snap of twigs underfoot as we hike down a forest trail. Flashlight beams illuminate the path, while campers and counselors hold quiet conversations as they walk. But as we reach our destination, a small clearing in the middle of the woods, the voices fade, the lights are extinguished, and we sit in silence.

We look up to the stars, the huge, flaming spheres mere specks in the heavens above. The Big Dipper is visible through the treetops, and a satellite drifts across the sky. I think about the fact that the God who made the stars and the Earth is here with us now.

After a few minutes, a guitar breaks the stillness, and the night fills with the singing of high school students glorifying the God of the universe. And then it falls quiet. It is time for prayer, to speak with God, to praise Him for who He is. But no one seems to be willing to be the first one to speak up. We sit for a moment, then someone thanks God for His mercy. Another for His love, then another for His grace and power. It's everywhere now, campers and counselors, a word, a sentence, thanking Him, worshiping Him for who He is and what He has done. He is majestic, He is holy, He is creative, He is overwhelming. The passion for God fills the empty in the middle of the woods. God is here and He is moving.

Matt Larrabee
Camp Gilead Program Staff & Counselor

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

that monday feeling...

Well - High School camp is upon us.

Campers arrived pretty early yesterday and as they got out of their cars, there was a reserved excitement and anticipation as they began to check out the situation.

The weather was a little bit sketchy, but the only thing that it really hindered was swimming - and it didn't seem like anyone was too bummed about that anyway.

Then ... at chapel...we were blown away by the intensity and energy at which the campers jumped into our time of worship. Usually Monday's can be a bit more mellow as people are still "figuring" things out - but it was so awesome to listen to the campers sing and to watch them as they engaged with motions and worshiping the Lord.

Since our theme is "In the Beginning..." based on Genesis 1:1 - this is the week where we anticipate the greatest opposition to Creation and the Bible's claims about the origins of the earth. At the end of the week, it is our prayer that campers will be challenged to consider the Bible's claims about Creation and who God is - and what that means to them personally.

It was a great start to a promising week. Hearts are being stirred and some tough issues have already begun to be dealt with. We are very excited about what God is going to do in OUR hearts and lives this week as well as the campers.

Kimberly Mallory
Camp Gilead Program Director

Sunday, July 12, 2009

high school camp is on the horizon...

How does it happen...EVERY SUMMER?

Time just seems to move slowly as we approach summer and then BAM... it's High School Camp!

I KNOW that as soon as High School Camp is over ... the summer is going to race at full speed until the end of summer.'s good though.

This weekend our staff spent our precious few hours of rest and relaxation at the Old Spaghetti Factory in Seattle as well as at the Mariner's game on Saturday night. It's sort of a camp tradition that's been going on for quite a few years. We even got up on the big screen!

As we look ahead towards the week to come - there are many staffers a bit nervous about what will take place in the upcoming several days of high school camp. Since many staffers are just freshly out of high school themselves, it is a chance for them to really show how they've grown in their time here at Gilead. For others, it's an opportunity to share life experiences with campers that can have an in depth and meaningful conversation.

High school camp is unique. The days are long...the nights are short ( really short!!! ) but the energy and excitement is high. These campers bring many years of their own life experiences and come with the knowledge that these counselors and staff are here to invest in their lives.

As we prayed as a staff tonight, we prayed that God would give wisdom and discernment, clarity of mind and sound doctrine.

I'm sure there are a few antsy campers out there who can't wait for Monday morning to come. I know that there are quite a few camp counselors that are "antsy" to meet their campers!

Kimberly Mallory
Camp Gilead Program Director

Saturday, July 11, 2009

my first three Counselor Andrew Anderson

My first three weeks of Camp Gilead have gone extremely well. All of the guy counselors have been having great discussions with our campers on how godly men should act. As a group, the guy counselors have found a few ways to get the male campers involved with us in respecting the ladies. So far, every week starts out with a lot of complaints by the kids but by Wednesday it becomes second nature. One of the ways we show respect is by standing in chapel until all of the ladies are seated. On Monday and Tuesday we have to remind our campers to remain standing until all of the ladies are seated. By the end of the week all of the guy campers are standing without having to be reminded, and sometimes they even need to remind me. It is amazing to see all of the boys standing for the ladies because you rarely see that today. Over all I feel that the campers are going to go home and thinking twice about their behavior around girls.

When I was younger I always knew that I wanted to live my life the way God had intended it. During staff training week we discussed why we needed to live our lives the way God intended. Today more and more families are pushing God out of the picture and it is causing huge problems. I never really thought about the repercussions of a divorce until God put some campers under my authority whose families had just divorced. One of my campers was so upset, hurt, and confused at what happened, it made my heart hurt when we talked. Later that week he had prayed and asked Jesus into his life. I pray that his family will turn things around and get him into a church. The next week God put more kids in my group who came from difficult family situations. A couple kids just had their father walk out on the family a week earlier. I know God is showing me that families need parents who are strong in their faith. Obviously it doesn’t work to try and leave God out.

I pray that this year at camp, all of the male staff can be an example for the kids to live a godly life and hopefully help save some marriages from ending in disaster.

-Andrew Anderson Cabin #17

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

inside the chapel walls...

Over the last century - God has used the concept of camp to draw thousands of young boys and girls to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

Over Camp Gilead's 61 year history, since 1948, countless numbers of boys and girls, children and adults have heard the gospel message inside the walls of our chapel. This chapel has heard the sounds of campers voices singing at the top of their lungs. It has seen that hand rise up as a camper's heart is stirred to accept Jesus as their Savior.

And tonight...was no different.

Pastor Kevin Hearne shared with campers that as they have come away and "unplugged" from their electronics and equipment, God is calling them to connect with Him! He challenged those that have never had a connection with God to begin that relationship tonight. He encouraged those that have connected with God at some point in their life previously to renew their faith and walk closer with himself.

As the final song played, campers stood to sing and some found their way down their row and to the back of the chapel where they met their counselor. Counselors took campers outside the chapel to talk with them as they did "business with God."

What a joy it is to be part of eternity in the making!

Thank you God for using such a cracked vessel.

To God be the glory...GREAT things HE has done!!!

Kimberly Mallory
Camp Gilead Program Director

what makes a camp counselor happy?

from a conversation I heard this morning between a few staffers...

You know what makes me happy at camp?

Starbucks gift cards
Camp Gilead Breakfast Bars
Early bedtimes
Sunny days
Donuts at staff meeting
Happy campers

Just thought you'd enjoy knowing...

Kimberly Mallory
Camp Gilead Program Director

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

from ashley cowan - counselor

Wow! This week has already been amazing! God has blessed me with a great cabin full of girls that are full of life and spunk and are constantly keeping me on my toes. While having multiple one on one's I was so encouraged by their love for our Savior Jesus Christ and their desire to fully serve and follow Him.I'm excited to see what God has in store for the last few days of camp and the things that He will impress upon my camper's hearts as well as my own!

Ashley Cowan
Counselor - Cabin 10

Highlights of Monday and Tuesday at Camp Gilead
Tug of War!
Games with Straws!
Dirtboarding, Skateboarding...
The Wheel of Misfortune!
The team that wins is the team that says the most verses!
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches & Tomato Soup!
...junior high camp is amazing...

Monday, July 6, 2009

memories of last week's family camp...from Tom Ruhlman

Another great Family Camp for the Ruhlman family! It was small, but that just made for shorter lines, more personal service, and quieter nights! It was fun having two of our children with us and interacting with them in the small confines of a dorm room. I am always amazed how my wife and children make it through the week with all of my snoring! The fan helps...

Mike Roberts did a wonderful job in his study of Genesis, John, and Acts. The style was different, but we all learned from his presentation. He had done his homework, for sure! Kimberly and her worship team led us in warm-hearted worship. I learned a few great songs. The "Behemoth Song," and the "Woodpecker" song really got our juices flowing regarding creation. The whole staff was special this year. Cordial, happy, sincere, helpful, and kind. From Tab we had 12 campers, 6 staff members, and 15 that stopped by for a day. This was our 35th year at Family Camp! Becky and I came when we had no children, brought all of our 8 children over the years, and now enjoy coming with just a few! It has given us a week to enjoy together, to meet thousands over the years from other churches, and to be enriched from the Word from some powerful preachers, teachers, and pastors.

If you are reading this, and have never been to camp, or went once a while ago, why not consider making Family Camp at Gilead a yearly fixture in your summer schedule? Our children will concur of its value in their lives."

Tom Ruhlman
Pastor - Tabernacle Baptist Church, Shoreline WA

the morning of junior high camp...

I don't know about you - but I can remember the morning of camp.

It was almost enough to make you sick.

I have experienced and witnessed many Camp Monday Mornings.

First ... you wake up and are instantly excited. Never mind that you woke up several times earlier because you were SO excited and wondered if your alarm really was going to go off.

Then you can hardly eat breakfast because there are so many butterflies in your stomach and the thought of eating ... well it's almost too much.

For those that live close to camp ... the time can't go by quick enough. Is it time to pack the car? Is it time to get in the car? Is it time??? For those that live farther away - once you are in the car you wonder if you are EVER going to get there!

Then...your heart stops beating.

You are in Carnation. You pass the familiar landmarks. Then you are less than 1 mile away. It's almost more than your mind and body can handle and you just about feel like you are going to lose any breakfast you had in you. The excitement, anticipation, nervousness and expectation levels are at an all time high as you come within a mile of Camp Gilead.

Why are all the cars in front of you going SO SLOW???

You round the bend in the road...can you see the sign yet? Where is it...almost...THERE IS THE SIGN!!!!

You begin to see the staff outside the camp welcoming campers...They are cheering, excited that you have arrived. Oh - to be on STAFF. That must be the ultimate camp experience.

And as you drive into the familiar hill up into Camp Gilead...the excitement builds ...
Do you know anyone? Will your friends be there? Who will be your counselor? Will you have fun? Will you like it? What if you are in a cabin with people you don't know?

And your Camp Gilead week begins.

Can anyone relate? :)

Kimberly Mallory
Camp Gilead Program Director

Friday, July 3, 2009

from family camper - nicole muegge

Here it is - our second time to family camp. The Lord has blessed us with beautiful weather this week. Our family really was looking forward to this week and just like last time, we were not disappointed. The week of family camp gives us an opportunity to focus on the REAL important stuff.

The staff are amazing with their true servant's hearts. The grounds allow us to enjoy God's beautiful creation, and the speaker allows God to speak through him encouraging us through God's Word. This week we have studied "stories" in the Bible in a way I have never studied them before. It never ceases to amaze me the wonderful things God's Word has to offer. We have studied everything from God's Creation, our need for a Savior, Authority & positions of, and God's power.

When I ask my kids what has been their favorite part about Camp Gilead this week - between miniature golf, the train, gutterball, swimming, gaga ball, the playground, basketball and more, it really is hard for them to pick one thing.

We have enjoyed laughs and tears, meeting new people and we love chapel time.

As we conclude this week I pray that as we leave that we would not leave these things that God has spoken to us.

Thank you Camp Gilead for your ministry and may God continue to bless you.

Nicole Muegge
Family Camper

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

family camp fun...

There is something truly unique about Family Camp.

It's not just that your meals are cooked for you, or that you don't have to go to work, or that you don't have to clean up after yourself after a meal. It's not even that you can take a nap every day - or two if you'd like. And it's not that you can sit in the shade on the porch of the cabins and read a book for as long as you'd like...

But WHAT is it?

It's the fellowship.

Being in community with other people, with your family without the distractions of everyday life. We can get so bogged down with schedules, appointments, playdates, events, games, etc that we forget to just BE together - to fellowship in community.

At Family Camp - you sit down with your family around a meal table shared with other families and you begin to realize that there are people in the same boat as you. Some that have gone through great trials, some that have walked the road ahead of you and can offer wisdom or advice.

It has been so awesome to watch families connect this week and come alongside each other for support and encouragement. To see mothers and daughters, fathers and sons spend time together in simple play.

That's what is unique about Family Camp!

See you at the one in August?

Kimberly Mallory
Camp Gilead Program Director