Saturday, August 8, 2009

around the campfire

Last night as we sat around the Victory Circle one last time we were totally blessed by the campers sharing their decisions to walk closer with Jesus, to read their Bible more, to listen and obey their parents, to stop saying foolish things ... and on they went.

There were so many campers standing waiting to share a spiritual decision that we eventually had to cut them off and encourage them to share their decision with their counselor.

And now they go home...

For a camp counselor this can be a bittersweet time. The time that has been invested is great and many times the rewards of that work come surprisingly quick while at camp. But as the lives of the young campers are opened up, many times it is realized that the support at home for their newly found faith in Jesus is not exactly at the greatest of levels.

For others - they will be returning to homes of great encouragement and spiritual wisdom.

I remember those Saturdays as a young camper...going "down from the mountain" feeling like there was ... no place like place like camp... And truly there is no place like camp. But - camp is not the real world and all of us at some point have to leave this place of spiritual security and walk back down the mountain to what we call the real world.

Kimberly Mallory
Camp Gilead Program Director

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