Monday, June 25, 2012

...and I'm back again!

It’s funny how God can make things work that you thought never could, and how He orchestrates things to work out exactly as they should. This is my third year on program staff at Gilead, and each time, the group has been comprised of very different individuals.
Each year I come to camp wondering how we’ll ever get through the summer with such opposite personalities working so closely together. And yet, every year, I’ve been amazed at how each person’s personalities and gifts mesh to be exactly what is needed for the summer. This summer is no different. In the weeks leading up to our arrival, I wondered how it would work, with seven program staff members ranging from twenty-one to twenty-seven years old, including introverts and extroverts, task-oriented and relationship-oriented personalities, detail-oriented and big-picture mindsets. And yet, just three days into staff training, I can already see how our differences show the amazing variety of God’s gifts.
Between us all, we have the skills and personality traits that will allow us to serve God in our positions this summer. We’ve got the detail people for making sure everything is organized and scheduled, and the social people for creating a great group atmosphere. It’s amazing how different we are, but how well we fit together. And one thing we all have in common is our sense of humor; we played a game at the Mallorys’ house last night which culminated in a several-minute-long bout of pure laughter that left us all with sore abs.

And this meshing, this wonderful God-given mix of traits that somehow enables us to do what is required of us this summer, occurs within the rest of the staff as well. In the college and high school staffs, the same variety of skills and preferences, worldviews and personalities come into play, and it’s awesome. God brings exactly who He wants to camp; He ensures that the people He chooses and the group He creates are equipped to serve His purposes.

God’s wisdom and providence are in evidence here already. He’s going to do (and is already doing) amazing work, and I’m so excited to see how He’ll use the myriad gifts He’s brought here. This summer is going to be amazing (:

Ali Williams
Girls’ High School Staff Leader

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