Thursday, June 11, 2009

casting a vision

"Where there is no vision, the people perish..." Proverbs 29:18

Knowing the what and the why is SO important! * WHAT am I doing and WHY AM I doing it?

Yesterday we had the privilege of having Paul Hill, Executive Pastor at Silverdale Baptist Church come and share to our Program Staff. Paul spend many years as the Program Director at Island Lake Camp in Poulsbo WA. He drew from his experiences working with people at camp as well as in church ministry to challenge us as a team to work together and with others in a godly and productive way.

He challenged us to all buy into the vision of Camp Gilead this summer. So - I took a few words and concepts that I wanted to communicate in every aspect of our summer. We took those words and put them into a sentence that will dictate everything we do this summer. It's awesome to have a starting point - and know that if the activity, event or plan doesn't align with our vision - then maybe it needs to go. Sometimes knowing your vision is more about knowing what to say NO to than what to say YES to!

Camp Gilead 2009
"Experiencing Creation and Community to Evangelize and Disciple."

Kimberly Mallory - Program Director

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